
Showing posts from February, 2023

Why Acupuncture works

Acupuncture works because the modern world has only recently recognized the need to manage the insane speed and demands of capitalist society with the all-encompassing umbrella of self-care. Acupuncture works because it is the final word in self-care. It is self-care because it is your own body doing the caring, your body knows how best to care for itself, your body mobilizes its own resources to correct imbalances. Acupuncture works because it has been utilized, developed and expanded upon since before the Romans built their Coliseum. Picture a naked silver birch tree in winter, its branches extend ever higher, separating into increasingly smaller branches until they reach the heavens with the smallest of their appendages. Now picture an anatomical drawing of the vascular system of the human body. Notice the similarities between these two pictures, the way that the arteries continuously divide in order to reach into the smallest of spaces in order to supply blood to every part of th...